The Special Interest No Growthers Obstructionist Playbook & Tactics

Delay, attack, mislead, malign, misinformation, block, deflection and denial.  Those are the key components for the Special Interest No Growthers Obstructionist Playbook!

Special Interest “no growther” groups delay any meaningful road safety improvements by requesting more data and studies be conducted and insist on adherence to their own corridor management plan that advocates for “trees over peoples safety”.

Special Interest “no growther” groups attack individuals, and often the attack is of a personal nature, who are opposed to their position.

Special Interest “no growther” groups mislead the public by submitting one flowery article after another (and always lacking substance and fact) to the local newspapers about how the bucolic countryside will be “lost forever” while conveniently ignoring the horrendous loss of life and injuries.

Special Interest “no growther” groups make repeatedly false and maligning statements against all elected officials, organizations, and individuals in opposition to their point of view.

Special Interest “no growther” groups bombard elected and appointed officials with voluminous amounts of misinformation as a tactic to prevent any plans from  taking shape to widen or add median strips and paved shoulders for safety.

Special Interest “no growther” groups block progress by scheduling repeated meetings with elected and government officials and managers and take up all of the “limited” speaking slots at public hearings to prevent voices with differing opinions from being heard.

Special Interest “no growther” groups use deflection as a tactic to “talk around” any data and facts that are presented which shred their arguments.

And finally, special Interest “no growther” groups use denial as a tactic by masquerading around as collaborative participants while all along plotting behind the scenes to deny any and all meaningful safety solutions that involve the widening of Route 15.

Special Interest “no growther” groups do not care about the safety and lives of the residents and schoolchildren along the Route 15 corridor and Supervisor Geary Higgins has yet to announce a start date with a project plan to have 4-lane widening, centerline median strips and paved shoulders put in place to protect us.

Perhaps Supervisor Higgins has another agenda other than the safety of the residents and schoolchildren and that is why there is no start date for this project that already has all of the necessary funding approved.

Perhaps Supervisor Higgins is playing politics to start this project a year from now when he is up for re-election.

Our lives and our children’s lives should not be used as pawns in an election scheme and Supervisor Higgins should be ashamed of this tactic.

Supervisor Higgins Should Fix Route 15 Now!!!!!